About Nicholas W Fuller

What are you supposed to write as an author bio for your website when you’re a brand new author?

If Nicholas W Fuller was a character in a Nicholas W Fuller story, you might be forgiven for thinking he was suspiciously unassuming. This mid thirties, straight, white dude has thinning hair, two cute kiddos, and enjoys playing video games.

Ya, that’s not interesting.

He used to put 180 pounds of weights over his head for fun.

Wait… that actually sounds a little bad ass.

He’s also a certified SCUBA diver, a former motorcycle rider, and he once went skydiving over the Kennedy Space Center.

Ya, alright, now this Nicholas W Fuller character is starting to sound a bit cool.

Professionally, he has scooped ice cream, taken pictures of tourists, sanded down counter tops, sold TVs, delivered Chinese food, then he got serious and decided to start a business. Then another. Eventually, he built multiple businesses that provide services to hundreds and a few full-time jobs. 

He has loved and lost and loved again. 

His zest for life experiences has even seen him: touring an ancient city halfway around the world; sailing waters that were formerly navigated by pirates and the Navies that hunted them; but the thing that most makes his heart sing is making the eyes of his children light up with joy.

Nicholas W Fuller, you suave son-of-a-

And in his spare time, Nicholas W Fuller likes to imagine stories with spaceships and dragons!

Annnnnnnd it’s gone.

When Nicholas was in 1st grade, the local community theater came to his school. He didn’t know it then, but that must’ve been when a love for stories started. For years his whole family was engaged with that theater, doing every part of putting on plays from acting to set building to backstage crew. It was great.

During fifth grade, Nicholas asked his teacher if he could use their free reading time to instead work on writing his own novel. That piece was never completed, but a love and interest in writing never went away.

In 2012, Nicholas completed writing his first novel a coming of age historical fiction novel titled Leader of the Tribe. That book is no longer available, but Nicholas remains proud of his first work.

For a few years life got busy and Nicholas hung up the creative writing pen, but now, starting in 2022, Nicholas is determined to make another go at this writing business. He hopes you like what comes next. :)

If you’d like to stay up to date with all my writing, please join my email newsletter with the form at the very bottom of the site!

Published Works: 

Usually an author would list their published works here. So let me do that now!

…I’m working on it!

As a new author, I don’t have a long list of works for you. But I do have one accolade! I did get an honorable mention from Issue #9 of the Elegant Literature magazine so I’ve got that going for me. Which is nice.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

J R R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

You made it! Down thru all the text! Boy, if I can keep your interest this long with just little old me, imagine what I can do with some good characters! :-P Still, I think we’re due for something more than just words.